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©Kirton News 2025 |
March 2014 The Editors Letter Well met Kirton; and a Happy equinox to all. Let’s get straight into it and take a look at what may - or may not - be happening during 2014. Applications are in to the relevant monied authorities to fund the skate park. You’ll be kept up to date with that. Expressions of interest have been ‘put in’ to keep a Library facility in the Village - but I would like to get more information on that one. An application has been registered with the County Council for change of use of the old DWM car sales building (and older Boston Tractors outlet) into a general grocery store, off licence and newsagent. Do we need to compromise existing and well loved businesses? (Keshco; Jhays; Co-Op; etc.) Should anyone wish to make comment the website reference is B/14/0049. What do we think of the proposed development of land between Cleymond Chase and the [conveniently sited] Health Centre? Do we need more ‘chimneys’? Don’t we REALLY need more Industry; Manufacturing; Crafts; Services? Don’t we really need somewhere for our off-spring to earn a living and build a life locally if they wish to stay within the community? Don’t we really need to make the most of what we already have? Governments bang on about such ideal community scenarios. They should realise we had this (only) forty years ago but unfettered economic ‘advancement’ {Supermarket culture} has ruined all that. Now; more than ever - in my lifetime certainly - communities have become important but more distant. The Web; Facebook; Twitter; et al have made themselves almost indispensible as Social Media outlets. The only way to stay in touch. But we aren’t close enough to ‘touch’ anymore. That’s not a ‘Community’. Community is all about seeing folks, face-to-face. About arguing; about meeting; about compromise; about getting together on the same level; about sharing; about being nosey; about being together if you want - and having time to yourself if you need it; but knowing someone else is always there. Let’s make 2014 the Year of Community. Look out for stuff that is being organised in the Village. Turn up. Suggest something your self. Let me know if you want something to happen, if you have an idea for a party or celebration. Communicate. It’s a brilliant thing to do. Don’t be alone. Look out for your neighbours. They might want to enjoy themselves too. I’ve always wanted Kirton News to be an organ for communication, comment and entertainment; but driven by the people of Kirton. Let’s make 2014 the start of the resurgence of that Community. Give us stuff and we’ll pass it on. Keep Kirton alive and vital. Sam
You know when they say "never volunteer... well, take no notice!
The original commitment of the founders, that it be for the “sole lawful use, benefit and enjoyment for all time for all denominations of people living or residing in the Parish of Kirton” has been guarded and has grown over time. It is a magnificent local resource. But volunteers not only come, but also go. We find ourselves in need of new members; particularly those who want to throw themselves into event organisation and fund raising activities. We meet for one evening a month - usually no more than two hours - get together to organise and support various fund raising events throughout the year - though not more than half a dozen - and oversee the general maintenance and daily care of the building - though, rarely do we get our hands 'dirty'. We are a friendly bunch, and it's a great opportunity to get involved with the community. So get in touch, come down to our next Tuesday evening meeting and see what we're all about. Just get in touch with me, Sam Chapman; my details are on the inside front page of this very publication. I'll give you all the information you need. I look forward to hearing from you!
The Kirton Church Fund The lucky January winners have both won the monthly draw before and the first prize winner’s wife, who has her own number, has also won twice! This has prompted me to check and 9 people have been lucky enough to win twice! In all we have had 31 winners and paid out £820.You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Anyone over 18 may take part. The February draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the April magazine. The March draw takes place on Sunday 23rd and the winning numbers will be printed in the May magazine We still have plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church. Registration forms are available at Kirton Library, Nat West bank in the village or from Kirton vicarage For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529. January 2014 Winners Kirton Kids ClubFinally ‘Mother Earth’ looks like it is waking up. The snowdrops that were given to us and set last year have pushed their heads out and are the first of the flowers and vegetables the children grow to show us things are going to get better in our Kids Club growing area. The growing area is an important place for the children – they learn so much from this – not just where our food comes from but how to grow it – what plants produce what food and even how to cook or eat that food. The stormy weather destroyed out green house before Christmas but luckily for us all we received a brand new one – we will put this together once the better weather has taken over. This year again we hope to set lots of vegetables and fruits so the children can ‘help themselves’ and lots of flowers to brighten the place up. Children at Kirton Kids Club learn so many things about life, play and socialising. It is a great place to send your children before and after school. They play with friends; enjoy a multitude of games, activities and equipment and all in safe, happy surroundings. Children are escorted to and from school by club staff and volunteers. Making sure they keep safe and learn road safety values – something that will stay with them all their lives. Breakfast club is open from 7.30 am to school and after school sessions are open until 5.45pm. For more information please take a look at kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or follow the link via the school web site. You can phone for a free taster session 07583 762072– when you are invited to bring your child/children while you stay with them. Allowing you to see them play, settle and mix with friends while you watch – a reassuring view for you and an introduction for you children. Let us take the worry out of those early morning rushing around times or the after school ‘I have to dash around because I’m going to be late to pick them up’ times. Just give us a call. if you would like to see more please go to our web page at www.kirtonkidsclub.co.uk or contact us via email at kkc09@live.co.uk or phone 07583 762072.
The Royal British Legion
I honour of this at our January meeting our speaker, Mr. Jim Seymour showed a film about the war graves in Italy and the work our standard bearers undertake. This was very interesting and attracted many visitors from outside the branch as well as members from our male counterpart. We always extend a welcome to any ladies who wish to join us; we meet on the second Wednesday of each month at the Town Hall at 1:30pm. This coming year we have many interesting speakers coming to join us and on Saturday March 22nd we are holding a Jumble Sale at the Town Hall as a fund raiser to help service people of all ages. We need your support to help this deserving cause so please, do all you can. Last year we were able to raise over £500 - let's see if we can breach that total for 2014! Many thanks, in advance;
Calling All Quizzers! Are you a member of 2+2? The last Kirton Village quiz, which took place at the end of 2013, was won by newcomers to the event, ‘2+2’ The trophy has since been engraved but the whereabouts (or names) of any of the team members isn’t known. If anyone reading this can supply the relevant information please contact Belinda Buttery, Clerk to the Parish Council, who has the silverware sat on her desk as we ‘speak’. Either telephone Mrs. Buttery on 01205 460618 or e-mail belindabuttery@hotmail.com |